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Coffee; is it good or bad?

Coffee has been both praised and mocked. It has been blamed for many things.
Caffeine is the best-known ingredient of coffee. Coffee is a very complex beverage with thousands of different substances. And studies have shown that it is not the caffeine in coffee that is responsible for coffee's health benefits.

Coffee can boost your physical performance, having a cup of black coffee before a workout can increase your performance by as much as 11%. The caffeine in coffee increases your adrenaline levels, which in turn is your fight hormone in your body to prepare you for physical exertion.
Coffee can help you lose weight, it contains magnesium and potassium which helps the body use insulin. It reduces your cravings for snacks and sugary treats.

Coffee can reduce the risk of death, studies have shown that coffee drinkers have up to 25% lower risk of premature death to those that don't drink coffee.

Coffee helps you burn fat, the caffeine in coffee helps your fat cells break down body fat and use it as fuel.

Coffee helps you focus and stay alert if you drink up to 6 cups of coffee a day it helps you focus and improves your mental alertness.

Coffee can reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that regularly drinking coffee can reduce the risk by up to 25%, coffee causes activity in the part of the brain affected by Parkinson's

Coffee protects your body, the antioxidants in coffee help fight against the free radicals in the body.
Coffee can lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes, it decreases your insulin sensitivity and impairs glucose tolerance.

Coffee protects your brain, high caffeine levels reduce the risk of Alzheimer disease, it also lowers the risk of dementia.

Coffee brightens up your mood and helps fight depression, it stimulates the nervous system and boosts the production of your neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, which elevates your mood. Up to four cups of coffee, a day prevents the risk of suicide by up to 50%

Those phrases above are the good things about coffee, so what are the bad things about coffee.

Coffee can kill you, if you drink 80 to 100 cups of coffee a day will kill you, that is about 23 litres of liquid that you are consuming. If you drink that much water a day will also kill you.

Coffee can cause insomnia and restlessness, well this is the caffeine that is at work here. The maximum amount of caffeine that is safe for your body is about 400 milligrams which equate to about 4 cups of coffee. But then again each individual is different, the amount of caffeine that you can consume is in each and every one's DNA.

Don't drink coffee if you are pregnant. The caffeine has an effect on the fetus and your baby is highly sensitive to caffeine.

Coffee is bad if you have high cholesterol levels. There are some substances in coffee that will increase your LDL cholesterol levels. Just be aware

Coffee could cause bedwetting in kids.

So there you have it, if you have high blood cholesterol, are caffeine sensitive, pregnant or a child, then go easy on the coffee.

If none of the above applies to you, then drink coffee, be happy. There is nothing better than a freshly ground cup of coffee in the morning.

But, hey, that's just my opinion

Brian Derrick


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