Creating a passive income online is something that you probably have heard of. Many business opportunities use the idea of “creating a passive income online” to sell you their systems. It works because I’m using this trick too. But does passive income really exists? In this article, my goal is to share with you some essential truth about creating a passive income online. I know most of you are more keen to learn how to create a passive income online. I’ll talk about it in future. But before I do that, it is important for me to cover some grounds and get your mindset right. Passive Income Doesn’t Exist! First of all, I need to get this straight – passive income doesn’t exists, at least not according to what most newbies define as passive income. Most people define passive income as “making money without having to do anything”. If you are one of them, you will be very disappointed when you realize that this is not true. Do you realize that whenever you get into an opportunity...